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Are Tattoos Taboo?

Reasch Fair

Tattoos are pretty taboo in today’s society. They have become much more widely accepted in recent years, but prejudice still remains against body ink. Personally, when I asked my own parents what they thought about tattoos, they told me that they would never get a tattoo themselves. They thought that tattoos were mistakes made out of pure impulse more times than not. Even though I’m 18 years old now, if I ever came home with a tattoo before sitting down and talking with my parents about it, I would probably give them a heart attack.

This is really conflicting with my views on tattoos. People have many different reasons for getting tattoos, and the societal stigma behind them disappoints me. I lose a lot of respect for people who think that all tattoos are bad. Tattoos are a unique form of expressing art, and I think people that get tattoos shouldn’t be looked down upon or discriminated against. It’s truly unfair to assume that someone is just impulsive because they have tattoos.

I currently do have plans to get tattoos. I actually scheduled to get a tattoo at a shop today, and that’s where my inspiration to write this came from. I have put a lot of thought and research into getting a tattoo, and it really got me thinking about how people might treat me differently after I get my first tattoo. It genuinely gives me anxiety to see how people might come to treat me. The fact that I’m anxious about how people will react based off of getting body art makes me realize that maybe there’s a problem with society. The general perspective among people is that tattoos are bad and that it “doesn’t go with the norm.” I want to be my own person though, and if I want a tattoo I’m sure as heck going to get one no matter how many times I’m told not to by someone else.

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